registration is over
Центр дизайн-мышления Москва

Design Thinking Camp 2019

12-14 октября
Мы поддерживаем Фестиваль дизайн-мышления – узнайте, как!
Stay in touch with the Global Design Thinking Community and join the live closing party!
Watch the Russian broadcast of the best speeches in customer experience and many other hot topics directly from Cape Town. Share your experiences on our website, and embrace with us at the GDT Festival live closing party here in Moscow!
While we are collecting speakers, we promise that during the 3 days of our Festival you will find online lectures by international and Russian practitioners, innovative solutions, podium discussions and active networking!
The Main Topic of Our Event: Total Experience
Design Thinking: Digital Services and Product Development
Work 3.0: Cultural Transformation and Employee Creativity
Design thinking in education: teaching, learning, skills and competencies
Design Thinking: Digital Services and Product Development
Work 3.0: Cultural Transformation and Employee Creativity
Design thinking in education: teaching, learning, skills and competencies
Design Thinking and Perspectives on methodological development. How has Design Thinking changed? What is Design Thinking now?
Facilitation and team management
Work 3.0: activating the creative potential of employees
Customer Experience Lab: how to create a Lab, how Labs work now
Design Thinking in Education: Trends and Directions
Learning by doing: digitalization of learning processes, tools, methods
Design Thinking Community Party
Creative spaces: a space to activate the creative potential and creative work of employees
Зона дискуссий
*festival program to be confirmed
Choose a day:
*festival program to be confirmed
Design Thinking and Perspectives on methodological development. How has Design Thinking changed? What is Design Thinking now?
Facilitation and team management
Work 3.0: activating the creative potential of employees
Customer Experience Lab: how to create a Lab, how Labs work now
Creative spaces: a space to activate the creative potential and creative work of employees
Design Thinking in Education: Trends and Directions
Learning by doing: digitalization of learning processes, tools, methods
Design Thinking Community Party
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